quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

The Ice man

"My heart is just about gone now. The warmth i used to have has reatreated somewhere far away. Sometimes i even forget that warmth ever existed. I'm still able to cry, though. I'm completely alone, in the coldest, loneliest place in the world. When I cry, my husband kisses my cheeks, turning my tears to ice. He peels off those frozen tears and puts them on his tongue. You know I love you, he says. And I know it's true. The Ice Man does love me. But the wind blows his frozen words further and further into the past. And I cry some more, icy tears welling up ceaselessly in our frozen little home in the far-off South Pole."
"The Ice Man";
Haruki Murakami in Blind willow, Sleeping woman

4 comentários:

vent fou disse...

nao podias ter colocado qualquer coisita em portugues?

Unknown disse...

Só tinha isto em inglês... Desculpa lá, mas não me atrevi a traduzir.

Unknown disse...

Eu traduzo-te ao ouvido, depois de uma caipirinha, quando cá chegares!!!

vent fou disse...
